Friday, December 18, 2009

Barnes and Noble at Perkins Rowe

Just got back from my book signing at Barnes and Noble on Perkins Rowe. I really enjoyed it. I met several people who had read the book and I enjoyed sharing some details about the book and some of the process that went into the whole thing. I met the author of The Legend of Papa Noel, Terri Hoover Dunham. Very nice. She was signing copies of her book.

I forgot to mention that I had an interview on WAFB Channel 9 here in Baton Rouge. Here's the link:

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's been awhile since my last post. I've had a couple of book signings. Both were very successful and many books were signed. My next book signing is December 18th, at the Barnes and Noble on Perkins Rowe in Baton Rouge, Friday from 7pm till 9pm.

I would like to thank Jacob Lanehart for his review on his blogsite. Jacob is a coach and teacher from Arkansas. I would encourage you to visit his blogsite:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Book signings for November

Just set up a book signing at Barnes and Noble at Perkins Place in Baton Rouge for November 22nd from 2pm to 4pm. They also have books available now in the store. Don't forget about the book signing in Ferriday at the Concordia Parish Library November 7th from 10am to noon.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Here are a few of the illustrations from the story. Later I'll post some of the real places from the book that inspired the story.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Book signing at Maple Street Bookshop

It's been awhile since I posted. Had a book signing (my first) at Maple Street Bookstore in New Orleans that went very well. I sold 26 books (15 hardbacks and 11 paperbacks). I really like Maple Street, very quaint with that New Orleans feel. I would recommend them to any book lover. They sell both new and used books.
Next book signing is November the 7th at the Concordia Parish Library in Ferriday, Louisiana then the next day at Barnes and Noble at Perkins Rowe in Baton Rouge.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Black Box

The book is for teens/young adults. The story follows a young boy that's moved to New Orleans and is lonely and not very happy about the move. As the story unfolds, he finds himself caught up in an adventure that will take him to the oldest and most mysterious places in New Orleans.

Lafitte's Black Box

Lafitte's Black Box is a book I wrote to tell an interesting story that would give a little history to the reader. I wanted to write about something local and something that I thought was interesting. What's better than a story about pirates, New Orleans, and a treasure.

I hope everyone will like this book. You can get it on,,, and the publishers site,

I'm working on getting it in the bookstores. A few independent ones have it now. Anyway, I hope you read the book and tell me what you think.